Wednesday, June 22, 2005

stormy window

yes, another day of desperate collaging fighting off the name-calling demons who say I should sink into the oblivion weariness brings. Most of my creative thought goes into problem-solving at work so how can there be much left over? Am hoping I can stoke a few embers over the summer but I'm already becoming unable to make sense of technical jargon when it occurs in conversation. In a few weeks I'll be lucky to understand basic English and to be able to find my way home at night.

I've had to make a mini-budget to rectify my mindless purchase of collage materials of late. I got a couple of items that I really don't know what to do with so now I'm forcing myself to at least ration purchases on paper before executing them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fight those devils with collage - this is a great one!

And take care now!