Thursday, June 16, 2005

thursday's friday

will have to do without a photo today. It is Friday for me since my work week runs Sunday thru Thursday. The nine-hour days haven't been too bad but my brain is already getting tired. My priority-setting skills are much deteriorated and I feel I have too many irons in the fire. I don't know how I will keep up with my non-work projects. It's so hot when I get up and the pollution's been so bad I don't want to take Phoebe out for a walk but the next two days I'll be able to take her out in the evening.

I enlisted in the Gluebook group at Yahoo but now I don't know if I'll be able to contribute to the group. I may be able to at least do some of the challenges on my own time and learn a few new things. After all, the gluebook (my mini-journal) is supposed to be for me. The random glueing thing is a great idea, relieving the pressure of having to plan and just letting things fall together. Today I found a drafting template left over from school and I got wonderful results using it in the book to draw a bunch of different sized circles and then coloring them in with crayons.

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